Friday, November 19, 2010

Jangan Hilang

Tiada cerita untukmu lagi
Kerna tiada kata-kata yang bisa aku ungkapkan
Ingin sekali aku coretkan rasa isi hatiku
Rindu hatiku bagaikan angin memukul wajahku
Sebak dadaku mengungkit memori kita
Apakah kau rasa apa yang aku rasa
Jiwaku terasa sepi melanda
Janganlah hilang wahai Nur Kasihku
Aku masih menyanyangi

Friday, November 5, 2010

Where Did You Go?

Where did you go my love?
I used to have a friend in you
You were always here with me
While others were asleep
I had you to accompany me
My heart was happy with you
The pain was gone because of you
You were a friend who understands me
Until we became more than friends
I felt I am not important anymore
The chat became seldom and shorter
I miss yesterdays when we were closed
I miss the times when I felt we belonged
Can we go back to the days when we were closed?
Can I love you again like I always do?
I still want to share stories again
Because there is still love in the air for us...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sayang Semula...

Tiada kata yang dapat aku sebut
Hati meronta bagai dipenjara
Rindu sedalam renungan aku
Cinta bertahta tiada penghujung
Air mata menjadi teman setia
Bertaburan tiada noktah
Hati merisik khabar berita
Memaksa diri diselubungi duka
Dimana engkau cinta hatiku
Pulanglah sayang ke pangkuan
Kembalilah ke dakapan
Sayang semula aku yang hina

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Missing You

Sadness filled my days
When you are gone
I hope for you to come back
And shine on me once again
Though so far, but I feel you
Rain showers me but not my sorrows
Missing you kills my soul painfully
I pray you are safe where you will be
In the arms of your loved soul
While I break missing you

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I Remember You...

When the sun is gone and the moon lights up,
I stay up all night thinking of you...
As I stay up, I wonder if you would do the same for me...
I remember you in my mind as well as my heart...
For the goodness you brought into my life even if it's just temporary...
I cannot say how I have miss you because I know it's not right...
I am remembering you everyday for that is what my heart wants...

If Only

If only there were just you and me in our vocabulary,
I would take you to a faraway place that only we know,
We'd sing, dance and laugh till the sun replaces the moon,
No worries, no sadness, only happiness accompanying us,
I show you my world and let you into where my secrets revealed,
If only I could come into your world instead of having to peep,
If only you would have love me like how I have love you,
If only we could let love take control of our destiny,
I would probably not say if only anymore...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Malam Itu

Pada malam yang dingin aku mengingatimu
Terasa sepi dan pilu mengenangmu
Rindu yang aku tidak dapat mengucapkan
Terhadapmu seorang insan yang aku sayangi
Tiada bunga dan hadiah untukmu
Hanya luahan tulus aku coretkan
Adakah kau rasa apa yang aku rasa
Berdegup jantungku menatap namamu
Hatiku menari bila engkau muncul
Seperti berada di alam fantasi
Yang mungkin tidak dapat aku miliki
Aku terima walaupun pahit
Kerana itulah kebenarannya
Berjalan aku ditemani hujan
Yang turun membasahi kepasrahan hati
Tiada wajah dan rupa untuk tatapan
Namun aku percaya engkaulah dia
Cinta untukku yang bukan milikku
Malam itu aku sedari

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Suka, perasaanku terhadap Kau
Yang telah membuka hatiku
Tiada sentuhan, tiada wajah
Namun aku tetap suka

Suka, itulah Kata jiwaku
Lembut caramu menyentuh hatiku
Hanya suara menjadi peneman
Namun aku tetap gembira

Suka, diriku Pada dirimu
Walaupun jauh aku terima
Tapi sayang sudah berpunya
Tiada harapan bagiku sudah

Suka, masih aku terasa
Bila hati tetap merindu
Jiwaku sebak menahan perit
Kegagalan untuk merasa cinta

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Why Love?

Dear Love,
Why does my heart feel so lonely?
Why do I cry before I go to sleep?
Why did you come only to leave so soon?
Why don't you stay awhile and be my company?

Dear Love,
Why is it always painful to be with you?
Why did you come only to hurt me more?
Why did I let you in only to be dissapointed?
Why did I get so stupid when it comes to you?

Dear Love,
Why did you hurt again when I am already hurt?
Why can't you see my broken shattered heart?
Why can't you feel the pain you have caused?
Why are you so blind to what I feel?

Dear Love,
Why did I get so vulnerable?
Why did I get hurt so much?
Why did I cry so much for you?
Why did I even know you?