Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Missing You

Sadness filled my days
When you are gone
I hope for you to come back
And shine on me once again
Though so far, but I feel you
Rain showers me but not my sorrows
Missing you kills my soul painfully
I pray you are safe where you will be
In the arms of your loved soul
While I break missing you

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I Remember You...

When the sun is gone and the moon lights up,
I stay up all night thinking of you...
As I stay up, I wonder if you would do the same for me...
I remember you in my mind as well as my heart...
For the goodness you brought into my life even if it's just temporary...
I cannot say how I have miss you because I know it's not right...
I am remembering you everyday for that is what my heart wants...

If Only

If only there were just you and me in our vocabulary,
I would take you to a faraway place that only we know,
We'd sing, dance and laugh till the sun replaces the moon,
No worries, no sadness, only happiness accompanying us,
I show you my world and let you into where my secrets revealed,
If only I could come into your world instead of having to peep,
If only you would have love me like how I have love you,
If only we could let love take control of our destiny,
I would probably not say if only anymore...