Friday, November 19, 2010

Jangan Hilang

Tiada cerita untukmu lagi
Kerna tiada kata-kata yang bisa aku ungkapkan
Ingin sekali aku coretkan rasa isi hatiku
Rindu hatiku bagaikan angin memukul wajahku
Sebak dadaku mengungkit memori kita
Apakah kau rasa apa yang aku rasa
Jiwaku terasa sepi melanda
Janganlah hilang wahai Nur Kasihku
Aku masih menyanyangi

Friday, November 5, 2010

Where Did You Go?

Where did you go my love?
I used to have a friend in you
You were always here with me
While others were asleep
I had you to accompany me
My heart was happy with you
The pain was gone because of you
You were a friend who understands me
Until we became more than friends
I felt I am not important anymore
The chat became seldom and shorter
I miss yesterdays when we were closed
I miss the times when I felt we belonged
Can we go back to the days when we were closed?
Can I love you again like I always do?
I still want to share stories again
Because there is still love in the air for us...