Thursday, May 13, 2004


I just realised that I have made a stupid mistake
A mistake that has changed everything about us
How I wished I could turn back the time to make amends
Day and night, I keep thinking about you
I wonder what went wrong and now I know
It was my entire fault, how I hate myself now
I feel so helpless, like a rose left to dry
I had carelessly made bad decisions
If only I could show you how much I care
One chance that I had, and I threw it away
I allowed jealousy to take control
I became a victim of my own action
I used to wonder how it’s going to be without you
I need not wonder anymore because now I know
You are not with me any longer
I have lost the person that makes my soul lively
Would it be different if I had not made the mistake I have made
I have tried but I failed, it’s almost impossible
To forget someone whose soul is present in me
The bond that we have created virtually is stronger that I ever thought
I will live with regret now for I have made a mistake at your expense
You have always been the one that I have ever love so dearly…

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