Thursday, April 30, 1998

Little Rituals

people take things for granted as they always will,

never appreciate, thankful and grateful for what they
have, always complaining after they got the bill,
but what's there to do when they have nothing left.
little rituals and big rituals people always do,
every second, minutes and hours of their lives,
in the end people who do big rituals get to woo,
isn't it great the ipso facto of life.
have we ever wondered what's the purpose of living,
none of us here did ever ask to be born,
but the best are required from us when giving,
first place doen't matter satisfaction must be worn
often we get iritated by tiny winy little things,
we'd say ''this ain't right!, this ain't the way!'',
we complain endlessly like queens and kings,
ungrateful brats we are, what have we got to say.
calling all occupants of the world, pay attention,
be thankful, grateful and appreciative now and then,
learn how to practise and love all those actions,
sometimes it's the little rituals that hold lives together...

Monday, April 27, 1998

Life's Like That

Life sucks, life's a bliss,

either way, have to live it,
that's the way it is,
like it or hate it.
Sadness, happiness,
main ingredients in life,
failure, success,
parts and parcels of life.
Live life day by day,
learn life along the way,
to learn or not to learn,
your soul will yearn.
many rivers to swim,
swim with perseverance,
many roads to cross,
cross with confidence.
many mountains to climb,
climb with endurance,
many race to run,
run with diligence.
if defeated, keep striving,
never give in, never give up,
there is a silver lining
behind every cloud

Saturday, April 25, 1998


Hearts have astonishing lives,
open and closed, clean and mean,
warm and cold, heavy and light,
some are heavy as a stone.
Theybeat as one - two hearts in waltz time,
other hearts are lonely hunters,
they are whole and half broken,
politics make some hearts bleed,
pierced by cupid, some are saddened,
some, like satisfying bird are gladdened,
some are worn upon your sleeve.
hearts are all over the place,
hearts have lives of their own,
it bangs away all the time regardless
when you sleep and awake,
you can hear it, you can feel it...

Monday, April 6, 1998

Take Her Home

not once in her life, she regrets being born,

perhaps she is more afraid and scared than regret,
for she knows it is not easy to live life.
she fell many times only to find
that she is the only one who help herself up,
she wonders where did everybody go.
she kept walking in this journey of her life,
where would she go from here?
she knows she has to choose,
someone told her that life is about choosing,
she made her choise,
she kept walking only to find nothing.
she didn't stop, she is not a quitter,
she has always been the strong one,
the one woman crusader giving hope,
strength and courage
to her friends only to find
she is the one who is lost.
where did all her friends go
when she needed them the most?
she was daddy's little girl,
mommy's favourite child,
bought what she asked for,
given what she wanted.
all now left is memories,
waiting to be reminisce, recollected,
often she dreams her parents would come
back and take her home but they didn't...
how hard she tried to be free from pain,
got to be at ease, often she struggle inside,
fighting with herself for her own peace of mind.
she wonders where her strengths had gone,
this sadness and depressions she was wrapped up,
are they repayment of her evil deeds from god,
she is suffocating, defeated by her own will.
her heart is empty, unfilled, she needs love, affections,
call the man who deals with heart that is beyond repair,
a heart that is wounded, a heart that is healing.
shine a light at her path, her next step is unclear,
call the man, call the man, who deals with heart
beyond repair, help her find her own piece of mind.
she is tired, exhausted,
she is sorry for her own circumstances,
she is sorry for her own polluted life,
she lied down on the path, she closed her eyes,
she remembered when love filled this empty heart of hers,
she saw a ray of light...
she saw the shadows of her parents,
tears she cried like a baby,
craving for her mother's warmth love,
desiring for a father's protection...
''take me home...take me home '' she whispered...

Thursday, April 2, 1998


she is confused,

puzzled of what she wants ,
her heart says this her mind says that,
will she choose? will she make up her mind?
when she does good deeds, nobody remembers,
is that human nature or human habits?
human nature in actuality is human habits.
she says she can do it alone,
she does not need support,
she needs no encouragement,
she is egotistical,
nobody can do it alone,
a real man knows there's no substitute for support,
encouragement or a pit crew.
it's the thoughts that count,
thoughts become
actions become habits,
habits become characters,
characters become destiny...
life is an enigma, a jigsaw puzzle,
being tried to put into pieces by the human minds,
even while she is asleep.
these hands of hers,
whatever her hands find to do,
she do it with might,
she gains strength,
courage and confidence
by every experience in which she really stop to look,
fear in the face...
she must fight her fears with actions,
she must do the thing,
she will have the courage,
courage is not defined by those who faught and did not fall
but by those who fought,
fell and rose again...