Thursday, April 2, 1998


she is confused,

puzzled of what she wants ,
her heart says this her mind says that,
will she choose? will she make up her mind?
when she does good deeds, nobody remembers,
is that human nature or human habits?
human nature in actuality is human habits.
she says she can do it alone,
she does not need support,
she needs no encouragement,
she is egotistical,
nobody can do it alone,
a real man knows there's no substitute for support,
encouragement or a pit crew.
it's the thoughts that count,
thoughts become
actions become habits,
habits become characters,
characters become destiny...
life is an enigma, a jigsaw puzzle,
being tried to put into pieces by the human minds,
even while she is asleep.
these hands of hers,
whatever her hands find to do,
she do it with might,
she gains strength,
courage and confidence
by every experience in which she really stop to look,
fear in the face...
she must fight her fears with actions,
she must do the thing,
she will have the courage,
courage is not defined by those who faught and did not fall
but by those who fought,
fell and rose again...

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