Thursday, April 30, 1998

Little Rituals

people take things for granted as they always will,

never appreciate, thankful and grateful for what they
have, always complaining after they got the bill,
but what's there to do when they have nothing left.
little rituals and big rituals people always do,
every second, minutes and hours of their lives,
in the end people who do big rituals get to woo,
isn't it great the ipso facto of life.
have we ever wondered what's the purpose of living,
none of us here did ever ask to be born,
but the best are required from us when giving,
first place doen't matter satisfaction must be worn
often we get iritated by tiny winy little things,
we'd say ''this ain't right!, this ain't the way!'',
we complain endlessly like queens and kings,
ungrateful brats we are, what have we got to say.
calling all occupants of the world, pay attention,
be thankful, grateful and appreciative now and then,
learn how to practise and love all those actions,
sometimes it's the little rituals that hold lives together...

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